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+254 722 605499
Division / Faculty
Faculty of Agriculture
Directorate / Dept

2016: PhD. Human Resource Management - Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT)

1989: MSc. Labour Laws & Labour Welfare - Pune University, India

1987: B.Com ( Accounting and Auditing) - Pune University, India

1983: Kenya Advanced Cert of Education (A Level) - Kambui Girls High School

1981: Kenya Certificate of Education (O Level) - Aga Khan High School, Nairobi

1977: Certificate of Primary Education - Westlands Pri. School, Nairobi

  • Human Resource Development
  • Organizational Development
  • Labour Management
  • Agri-business/ Agri-entrepreneurship development
  • Value Chain Analysis and Development

June 2010: Quality Assurance Self Assessment - Egerton University

June 18th – 22nd, 2012: Mainstreaming Value Chain In University Curricula For Kenyan Universities - PSDA/GIZ/GOK

August, 2013: E-Learning Capacity Building Course on Developing and Using Learning Materials - FORD FOUNDATION/RUFORUM

March 2017: Certified Professional Mediator - MTI International (East Africa)

September 2019: Pedagogical Leadership in Africa Training - Partnership for African Social & Governance Research (PASGR)


1989-1992: Part time Lecturer, Business Administration Dept. University of Nairobi

1992-Aug1993: Assistant Lecturer, Department of AGEC/ AGBM Egerton University

1993-to Date: Lecturer, Department of AGEC/ AGBM Egerton University

1997 to 2006: Coordinator Agri Business Management Program

2006 to 2012: Department Examinations Officer

2012 to 2016: Co-ordinator MSc. AGEC/AGBM programs, Nairobi City Campus Egerton University

2016 to 2019: AGEC/AGBM Department Examinations Officer

2019 – To Date: Coordinator, Military Science Program




2011 to 2012: A Survey of Agri Businesses in Nakuru County

2012 to 2013: Cluster mapping survey for Potatoes and Carrots Nakuru County

2014 to 2018: Strengthening Universities Capacities to Enhance Competencies of Agribusiness In East And West Africa

  • August 2007: Rural Household Labour Demand, Contract Choice, Hoarding Cost and Poverty: Evidence from Western Kenya. Gathungu, E., Musyoka, M.P. Agricultural Growth, Poverty Reduction and Millennium Development Goals in Africa, August 18-22, 2007. Accra, Ghana: AAAE Conference Proceedings (2007) 421-426
  • July 2014: Mshenga, P.M., Langat, J., Wambua, T. & Gathungu, E. Improving the competitiveness of the potato and carrot value chain in Kenya: An agro- cluster approach. Fourth RUFORUM Biennial Regional Conference 21 - 25 July 2014, Maputo, Mozambique.
  • 2015: Gathungu, E. W. M., Iravo, M. A., & Namusonge, G. S. (2015a). Effect of Promotion Strategies on the Organizational Commitment of Banking Sector Employees in Kenya, 20(10), 36–45. DOI: 10.9790/0837-201013645
  • 2015: Gathungu, E. W. M., Iravo, M. A., & Namusonge, G. S. (2015b). Transformational Leadership and Employee’s Commitment: Empirical Review, 20(7), 1–7. DOI: 10.9790/0837-20720107
  • 2018: Vinjero Jennifer M., Hillary K. Bett & Edith Gathungu (2018) Determinants of Participation in Value Addition Activities Among Farmer Groups in Ntchisi District, Malawi. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development. Vol.9, No.20.
  • 2019: Mahamadou Soumaila Konté, Oscar Ingasia Ayuya & Edith Gathungu (2019). Effect of Entrepreneurial Behaviour on Farm Performance among Small-scale Farmers: Case of Niono Zone, Mali. Advances in Agricultural Science, Vol 7 (1), 24-39
  • 2020: Mukhwami, J.T., Gathungu, E.W., Kalio, A, M. (2020). Econometric Modelling of Rural Farm   Household Credit Allocation in Kakamega County, Kenya. Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, Vol.11(4),172-181. DOI: 10.7176/JESD/11-4-20
  • 2020: Okello, D, Gathungu, E, Ingasia, O, Feleke, S, & Owuor, G (2020). Effect of ICT tools attributes in accessing technical, market and financial information among youth dairy agripreneurs in Tanzania. Cogent Food & Agriculture. 6:1,
  • 1817287.
  • 2020: Ngenoh, G.C., Kariuki, I.M., Gathungu, E.W.& Kiprop, S.K. (2020). Factors Influencing the Choice of Marketing Strategies Among Cassava Microenterprises in Kenya.  African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 28 Issue Supplement, s1 pp. 117 – 129 DOI:
  • 2020: Mutinda, R.M., Gathungu, E.W., Kibe, A.M & Wambua, D.K. (2020). Factors Influencing Agripreneurs’ Investment Decision and Level in Clean Seed Potato Enterprises in The Highlands of Kenya; African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 28 Issue Supplement, s1 pp. 165 - 174  DOI:
  • 2020: Okello, D., Owuor, G., Larochelle, C.& Gathungu, E. (2020). Effect of Agribusiness Support Services on Choice of Dairy Cooperative Market Channel in Kenya. African Crop Science Journal, Vol. 28 Issue Supplement, s1 pp. 225-235.
  • 2021: Wanyonyi ,E.I, Gathungu , E.W., Bett, H.K,  & Okello, D.O .(2021). Determinants of Porter’s competitive strategy utilization among agro-dealers in Kenya, CogentFood & Agriculture, 7:1, 1865595, DOI: 10.1080/23311932.2020.1865595
  • 2004: The Effect of Occupational Health and Safety Programs on Employee Performance. MBA Thesis Maina Rachel W
  • 2004: Impact of Teacher Motivation on the Achievement of Learners in Kenya Secondary School Examinations. MBA Thesis Kimei John N
  • 2005: The Effect of Retrenchment Strategy on Public Organizational Performance MBA Makori Samwell King’oina
  • 2018: Effect of Value Addition on Income Among Deepening Enterprise Development Groups in Ntchisi District, Malawi. Vinjero Jennifer Mkandawire MSc Thesis  Agribusiness Management (AGBM)
  • 2018: Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Farm Performance Among Small Scale Commercial Oriented Farmers: Case of Niono Zone, Mali. Mahamadou Soumaila Konte MSc Thesis Agricultural Economics (AGEC)
  • 2020: Effect of Semi-Formal Credit Use on Rural Farm Household Income in Kakamega County, Kenya. Johnworker Toywa Mukhwami, MSc. Thesis Agricultural and Applied Economics (CMAAE)
  • 2020: Effect of Soybean Marketing Channels on Smallholder Farmers’ Income in Kakamega County. Martha Wanjiru Gachuhi. MSc AGBM(Submitted awaiting defence)
  • 2021: Influence of Porter’s Five Forces on the Competitiveness to Agrodealer Businesses in Nakuru East Sub-County, Kenya. Eileen Inyanji Wanyonyi. MSc AGBM (Submitted awaiting defence)
  • 2020: Impact of Agripreneurial Orientations on Resilience and Performance of Dairy Agripreneurs in Murang’a County: The Mediating Effect Agribusiness Support Services. Dickson Otieno Okello. PhD AGBM (Submitted awaiting defence)



  1. Member: Association for African Women in Research and Development (AAWORD)
  2. Member: Agricultural Industry Wages Council
  3. Life Member: Kenya Red Cross Society
  4. Member: International Food and Agribusiness Management Association
  5. Member: Association of Nakuru Mediators

Prof. Symon M. Mahungu, PhD

University Industry Liaison Officer & Professor of Food Chemistry

Division of Research & Extension

Egerton University

P.O. Box 536-20115 Egerton, KENYA.

Primary E-Mail Address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Prof. Mike Iravo, PhD

Department of Business Administration

Jomo Kenyatta University of Agricultural Technology

P.O.Box 62000-00200 Nairobi, Kenya

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Prof. Bernard K Njehia

Department of Agrocultural Economics

Kenyatta University

P.O.Box 43844-00100, Nairobi Kenya

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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